Pursuit of the extraordinary

The Human Brain is remarkable: the left and right hemispheres process information in uniquely different ways yet work together to produce cohesive thoughts and functional thinking. 


Each individuals has a particular way of thinking, leaning towards the left or right hemisphere.The right focuses on visuals and aesthetics, processing information in an intuitive way with the visual being the primary thought. The focus of the left is verbal, processing information analytically, fitting together thoughts like a puzzle.

We live and grow in a complex social world, acquiring a particular worldview through various personal experiences. Each individual’s perceptions and expectations of what is real, and “normal” are pre-interpreted, analyzed and critically dissected using previous interactions that develop their view and outlook. It is important that we ask ourselves: do we ask questions in a way that predetermines the answer? Are alternative explanations being overlooked? Is our predetermined view of the world causing us to miss out on moments that could be of value?

It is integral to understand that not only are multiple sides to every story, beyond our limited view of the world, but also that there are countless unique ways in which a story can be told.

A compilation of various elements is used to represent the idea that one should not be limited by the “methods” of thinking that are bred into us by society and our social interactions. A combination of technical and creative elements are illustrated together in a whimsical manner to encourage the idea that story telling should go deeper than simply what is seen on the surface. One should seek the story within and try to look critically at all the ways the narrative can unfold beyond their own biased view.

Not only is the story being told important, but also the method of story telling: that which seems banal and ordinary can be made extraordinary by the method with which it is told.

This proposal is installed permanently at the Valenti School of Communication.