Raafia Jessa

Musings about Normalcy

Please be aware, these are the thoughts of a middle-average person.

Uncle Bob

(end of July - Middle of September 2021: Zone Bianca)

Summer 2021 almost all restrictions were lifted and people could be free again (as long as they wore a mask)
It was time to go see how Casa Cugni was doing.
Casa Cugni does not have water, electricity or a phone signal.
It’s beautiful and historic, but not livable (yet).
The closest “city” is Siracusa.
I was searching for a place to stay when a friend, Shauna, told me she would be gone for a few months and I could stay at her apartment.
Obviously, one of the first things I asked was if I could paint her a wall.

Initially I was supposed to stay a couple of weeks until her husband, Uncle Bob, came back from England.
But Uncle Bob came back and said it was cool I stayed until I found an apartment as long as I walked the dog, Zoey, in the mornings.

So, it happened that I ended up living there for about 2 months.
(finding an apartment in Siracusa HAS to be one of the MOST frustrating things I’ve ever done)

It was lovely.
I would walk Zoey in the mornings, spend a couple of hours painting the wall, then work on other projects.
In the evening Uncle Bob would cook dinner.
Everyday for almost 2 months he cooked dinner.
Always something different. Always super yummy.

Uncle Bob is a retired ship engineer, so we had a lot of talks about technology, design and how digital systems have developed over time.
He started looking into NFTs and was convinced that my flower murals would make great NFTs

I eventually found an apartment and moved out.
Uncle Bob’s wall is finished and with his help, it is now available as an NFT :)